Berättarakademin translates into The Storytelling Academy. It is a Swedish-Danish goup of professional storytellsers working with developing and rejuvinating the modern oral storytelling as an artform. The group is constantly working with new ways that storytelling can be performed, as well as developing a flood of new stories. In addition to this internal work, we perform and teach storytelling in Danish, Swedish and English.
The group was started in 1999 by Christina Claesson, Svend-Erik Engh and Anders Granström. Now, more than a decade later, we have met and told stories to thousends and thousends of adults and children. The now well-known concept Berättarrazzia – story telling razzia – was developed by Berättarakademin.
Are you intrested in knowing more about us, or have questions?
Please don’t hesitate to contact us!